
The library uses Node.js, TypeScript and Webpack for development, Jest to run unit tests, TSLint for linting the source code and Prettier for the code style.

Table of Contents


  • A modern Node.js version
  • yarn

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository.

    $ git clone
  2. Install the dependencies.

    $ yarn
  3. Build the files.

    $ yarn run build

Running Unit Tests

The library uses Jest for unit tests. This is done automatically before committing, to prevent any bugs, but you can also run Jest manually.

$ yarn run test


Files are linted with TSLint. This is done automatically before committing, to ensure a consistent code base, but you can also run TSLint manually.

$ yarn run tslint

Code Style

The library uses Prettier to ensure a consistent code style. The Prettier settings can be found in this file. It is automatically run before committing, but you can also run Prettier manually.

$ yarn run prettier:diff

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